Monday, January 8, 2018

One last straw to grasp

The purpose of the investment boycott is to choke corruption out of the system by denying the oxygen of the corrupt, cash. The how to details are in previous posts.
The first thing I considered was how the system uses delay, denial, and distraction until the opponents simply give up. Even though I knew the drill it worked on me, what could I do again a corrupt justice system that had no intention of upholding the law. They were well aware I had mustered the forces of the international community to back the investment boycott. Their big mistake was thinking they only had to defeat me, I believe they thought once I was defeated the international community and the investment boycott would follow.
The international community doesn't work that way, why would they feel defeated when all they did was withhold investment. Just because I had to give up any chance of justice was in no way any reason they should not carry on with the investment boycott, which had seriously affected everything but raw resources and currency speculation since 2006.
They must be seeing the bigger picture now that even the only stronghold, Alberta, has seen billions pulled out of raw resources. A lot has to do with the global oil glut but it is also worth noting that any replacement investment is by Canadian companies, which have never been part of the boycott. Perhaps those companies think by holding the assets the international community will return when the outlook for energy improves. They will be sadly disappointed. Even if it picks up the offshore parts boycott is the signal to keep avoiding investment rather than getting caught up in a failing system.
The corrupt all now understand how using their delay tactics against them was enhanced by the arrogance of thinking all they had to do was defeat me. Instead the arrogance has dug a hole too deep to climb out of. They also understand with the auto parts boycott, by this summer corruption will be clawing at the sides as the hole they dug collapses.
The latest is sending MP Goodale to try and salvage any remnant of Nafta, they seem to forget the investigation into insider trading that involved Goodale and MP Brison that was brushed off by the RCMP. Well I guess some sort of a hail mary looks better to them that upholding the law but more it is just more arrogance in thinking it will go away if delayed long enough.
Yes they defeated me but in the process they have defeated themselves with the arrogance of thinking they could use the same corrupt delay tactics internationally to avoid any need to uphold the law.
The one last straw they can grasp as a show of good faith, disband the corrupt RCMP.
since 2000
no justice, no investment