Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The real Canada... rampant corruption.

I used the term rampant corruption on many occasions.. even describing it as from the top down and back up to the top.
I've described how corrupt the RCMP are by allowing little children to be brutally beaten rather than have their own criminal activities exposed. I've posted the documents on the corruption between a government agency and a contractor for the justice system under the purview of the attorney generals office. How many of the top brass got a cut of the $40 million for looking the other way the previous liberal government pocketed out of the national treasury? A million in overtime for Nuttal RCMP faked incident?
I've posted the documents that involves corruption in the levels of the justice system right down to the heart of the justice system, the courts.
While it all undeniably says rampant corruption, the following leaves no question on the top down and back up of corruption.
Last year I was offered a short exploratory trip down south including the cost of a passport. I agreed as I've had 4 previous passports and 2 criminal records checks so it won't be a problem.
A on the previous 4 passports I used my stepfathers last name on the application.. I've had it since before I was born but due to some language difficulties I was listed under my birth fathers name but never used it. The clerks manager ruled the only name I've ever used was not legal and to get a 5th passport I would have to do a legal name change. Not impossible but certainly enough to kill the trip and even though it says on my first passport under my stepfathers name it states my BC has my birth fathers name. They also decided the, always been there, small crack in the finish of my BC was not acceptable which again is doable by applying for a replacement. I sent the Ontario registrar all the required info including photocopies that satisfied all aspects of the application. They posted on the inquiry page they had received my application and it will be completed 6 weeks after it was received. After 11 weeks I called and was to a query would be sent to find the status of the application for a replacement. a week after that I the inquiry page noted they wanted more info and sent a request to me. when I didn't receive it after 2 weeks I called again and was given the reason for the delay which is nothing more than a written conformation from me that the info I put on my application was in fact true. A month went by and still no request for the hand written note from me.
In summery after the 6 week waiting period and another 3 waiting on the mail it took a call from me and another week to find out what the holdup was. In total even if things were still on track it would take 16 weeks for the advertised 6 weeks. All because they want conformation from me that what I wrote,,, wax true. Now they want me to write out my 4 names to confirm the 4 names of my BC I photocopied and added in the application was true.
The reason I was bullied out of school was my inability to control nerves enough to be able to write so its obvious if I sent my 4 names printed out it will result in another delay. More proof of rampant corruption and more importantly the proof of corrupt from the top down and back up.
I have previously proven the slime of corruption stretching between provincial entities and a federal entity. This is a clear link between refusing me a 5th passport on a regulation that only apples to immigrants and a provincial entity that has almost tripled the application time just to get a BC.. from another province to a federal agency intentionally ignoring Canadian law.. and I'm the lucky recipient.. I think we know why, the truth is the enemy of corruption.
The evidence is undeniable which should have by now started the country on the road to redemption by disbanding the RCMP.. which is why they continue to deny.
No justice, No investment


  1. As noted I started a boycott on investment in Canada in the year 2000. By 2002 international investors started leaving and completed their exodus by 2006 in everything but raw resources and currency speculation. For over a decade the boycott has cost hundreds of millions in trade and many billions in investment.
    Of course there are all the denials which is no surprise lol.. criminals have a tendency to avoid accountability by any means.. but in fact the data doesn't lie. It's the reason the Harper economic plan for Canada consisted of a pipeline. Value added needs investment other than raw resources which leaves a pipeline to fund government.
    They all know who I am and what the issue is yet they continue to avoid accountability which brings me to the point of this comment.
    I'm locked into never move on with my life because of the connected corruption.. with the authorities knowing why.... why wouldn't someone high up not put and end to this persecution for defending the children of divorce. I would think the PMO would be shipping me a diplomatic passport just to get me out of the county and into a beach chair where I should be.. but no... as long as they deny any responsibility and even deny the short fall of the Canadian economy the boycott will/is continuing.
    BTW its not the Americans, the Blame goes to our government so don't let the fake news quasi political hacks and MSM blow smoke up your ass. The boycott, the damage and the corruption is all very real.

  2. The big ugly brute

    A couple of decades ago the issue of the children of divorce was brought front and center by the corruption of the police department allowing the beatings my children suffered because they asked to see me. There was no question if the actions of the RCMP in aiding and abetting assault on a 6 and 8 year old then the legal aid lawyer stealing years of child support the courts held. Then the federal government knowingly aiding a nation wide abuse of provinces pocketing tens of millions a month in child support paid certainly is. The #1 indicator of a criminal lifestyle is childhood poverty, child support claw back targets the most disadvantaged of single parent children. Child support claw back which I coined NCP tax in 2003, non custodial parent tax, became the central focus of the courts. The system is geared to increase government revenue through claw backs and replaced the best interests of the child with sole custody if there is even a whiff the child support will wind up in governments pocket.
    The big ugly brute holding your kids up by the ankles and shaking out any loose change is the tax man.
    The rampant corruption and mass abuse engineered by the federal government under the divorce act couldn't be allowed to stand.
    Since 2000
    No justice, No investment
    The rest of the story is almost history. The previous two federal administrations and the current one are in full denial. The only noticeable difference by government is the missing smoke screen blaming childhood poverty on dead beat dads, when obviously the blame goes to the dead beat government. I have had no wide expectations the boycott would have any effect on the deeply rooted government corruption. The success of the investment boycott has done little to encourage the RCMP to uphold the law as they are under the direction of the federal government. They protect each other which is the weak link.
    Ontario however has its own provincial police and as the investment boycott is focused on the RCMP, uphold the law or disband. Ontario is the weak link in the circle of corruption and the weak link in Ontario is Nafta.
    The talk is no worries as automotive parts are too globally integrated to affect cross border restrictions on America First, Buy American, the premise being the supply chain can't be changed. The premise is wrong, suppliers need manufacturers not the other way around. If manufacturers in Canada can't supply vehicles with offshore parts they will move to where they can be.
    To use an old phrase, GM slowing production in a plant in Michigan is the sniffle while Ontario gets the flu. Both US manufactures and offshore suppliers are setting up for a Nafta exit leaving Ontario as the poster child for no justice no investment.
    My current dealings with Ontario show an increased opposition to discouraging any movement to upholding the law, even after ending the NCP this year. Ontario is on the road to ruin and it all comes down to disbanding and replacing the RCMP with a police force that will uphold the law.
    The rampant corruption ends or Canada's economy does.
    No justice, No investment

  3. Another page out of Father Denied
    The RCMP have had years and unlimited opportunity to uphold the law. The government has had equal opportunity to disband the RCMP.
    I have added manufacturing to the 2000 very successful No justice, No investment program.
    Limiting investment to curtailing manufacturing is a long way down the road I've traveled. I continue to uphold my guiding commitment... I will not undertake any action that will cause anyone to lose more than I have.
    to: Debbie Postnikoff
    cc: "JAG Policing and Security Branch JAG:EX" ,
    "AG Justice Services AG:EX"
    date: Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 1:22 PM subject:
    Nafta exit stage right, RCMP exit stage left.

    "The feds are talking a good line about the US losing 50,000 on Nafta exit. They also say it would be impossible to sort out the global supply chain.
    The solution I have offered is simply bypass Canada by the suppliers, problem of goods going south with offshore parts... solved. If Ontario wants to keep manufacturing then they will have to use Canadian made parts or buy them from US suppliers.
    The option of increased parts cost will put a serious cramp in US trade, if it doesn't collapse altogether.
    In about 6 months when the screws really tighten the angst will be visceral knowing the RCMP could have done the right thing from day one, at least since you called me."

  4. I've stepped up the no justice program over the last few years. In 2015 BC ended child support claw backs which is millions a month in lost revenue. As well, the American collection agency that is committing fraud had their budget cut as it was their part in the deception, corruption of the best interest of the child.
    The economic results are evident but not so evident in the retribution. The hunger strike forced them to lift the illegal ban on my passports but they have many paths. I applied for a 5th passport and they refused it until I did a legal name change and a replacement birth certificate as mine had a crack in the plastic.
    I've been waiting 6 months for the advertised 6 week wait and have answered the same questions 4 times.
    The retaliation trail, a very pissed off FMEP, to Immigration, to Ontario government services. They have forced me into 20 years of poverty with their poison pen campaign but they will never put me of my knees.
    That is exactly the kind of corruption no justice was designed to end, rampant.
    The justice system requires attention and I'm sure parts suppler's boycotting Canada will get it, again the end game of no justice.
    since 2000
    no justice, no investment
    since 2017
    no justice, no parts

  5. April 12, 2018
    Bypassing our legal process, especially the Constitution has a place at the top of list as corruption attributed to the Canadian government.

    Kinder Morgan transmountain pipeline approval has failed to follow the legal process.

    Trudeau cannot approve it, it must be Parliament and only Parliament.
    it is the law
    Section 92(10) of the Constitution Act
    "declared by the Parliament of Canada to be for the general Advantage of Canada"
    Claude BĂ©langer,
    Department of History,
    Marianopolis College
    "It alone is the judge as to whether or not a "work" is of "a general advantage (to) Canada."

    To legally override provincial powers of land management granted by the Constitution is a very big deal which is why approval is limited to parliament much the same as opening the Constitution.
    As we see BC is not protected by the provisions in the Constitution Trudeau is ignoring with threats to cut off energy and federal transfer payments.. attempting to force the illegal approval to go ahead.
    There is a simple reason Trudeau doesn't want it to follow the constitutional process... they would have to put on record why it is in the interest of Canada. So far everything they have is either completely fabricated or stretched so far it might as well be a complete fabrication.

    Gas prices won't go down, they will go up as dilbit takes over the pipe trying to keep up to a 7 fold increase in tankers with only a 3 fold increase in product.
    Losing $18 billion totally off the wall. The extra 500,000 will get world prices, about a half billion, not 18 because the US still wont be paying world price. As they are now an exporter they will probably be paying less than they are now.
    Thousands of jobs, more like 50.
    World class spill response is useless against dilbit, it doesn't clean up.
    Almost no risk. One spill and its a generational toxic zone and the west coast is over due for a mega quake.
    Refiners can't compete at 2 cents a liter against half a cent in Singapore. Is there a point or just half oranges?

    The amount of revenue Alberta will get against the value of the coast is about as economically foolish as cutting down the rain forest so it wont rain as much.
    The fabrications are embarrassingly bad, exposed through our parliamentary process they won't prove the coast is less important than their fabrications, quite the opposite.
