The cornerstone of our society is justice.
A corrupt establishment controls the conversation but the documents don't lie.

Robert Smith
I am bondable with 2 criminal record checks in the last 2 decades.
Twenty year veteran of advocacy for children of divorce, very pleased to see BC resolve a 12 year issue of child support claw backs. With 90% of child support paid and a top G-8 economy BC doubled the child poverty rate in a decade it was time.
Justice is the cornerstone of society, any corruption of law and order has a domino effect.
Answers are required on how many of the top rcmp brass got a cut of the $40 million burglarized from the national treasury for allowing elections canada the time it needed to destroy the evidence of which MPs were elected on the dirty money.
Answers are required on how many members got a cut of the million dollar overtime bonus scam from the Nuttal manufactured terrorist event.
Answers are required starting with, why did the Royal Canadian Mounted Police knowingly ignore multiple assaults reported to them by a 5 and 7 year old?
International corruption.
After canada took a key role in setting up the Afghan government there are now more palaces around Kabul than Paris along with miles of mud hut slums.
Canada is behind NATO deployed to the Baltics. The nefarious purose of risking our troops is to interfere with Russian oil reaching ice free ports on the Black Sea that threatens canadas global market share.
------------------- Jan 24 2016 Note; after contacting me an RCMP officer has spent the last 6 months investigating my accusations against their involvement in a major crime and multiple serious physical assaults against small children. I have not received so much as an update. I expect by now they will have something to say in their defense.
For future reference the investigating officer is/was.
Sergeant Debbie Postnikoff <>
From a debate on replacing the RCMP to it's essential
November 27, 2015
The City of Richmond has moved a step closer to establishing an independent police department to replace its RCMP detachment.
After 20 years of informing everyone from the federal AG down on criminal involvement by the Hope RCMP detachment, and refused action or recognition the case must now be decided by the highest court in the land. The court of public opinion expressed through an election.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police ignored multiple serious child assaults to avoid detection of their complicity in the commission of a major crime and then protected by the entire justice system right up to the federal level.
The story I stole the cash and put $250,000 in cocaine up my nose in a year is nothing but a hatchet job on my credibly. The only witnesses if there are any to drug use are all people involved in the theft, how is their credibility?
Following up on the hatchet job Widden (married..dated ex.) even had me spend a night in jail for sitting in my car out on the street waiting for my kids on a court ordered visitation day. Arrested for breach of the peace even though there was no peace bond. There was after that, 6 months no visitation. They have no explanation or excuses nor do they take and responsibility on how they went from the best police for in the world to one of the most corrupt.
There is no need to stress the importance of our children's rights. When that trust is broken by the authorities it is time to make wholesale changes.
Note, while contributing to multiple vicious assaults on my 5 and 7 year old the officer laughed when I asked for the status of the complaints the children filed.
After almost 2 decades the question remains, why were multiple assaults reported by my children ignored by the RCMP.

Doubting the rcmp are corrupt. Google rcmp perjury.
Don't think it's part of the rcmp culture?
Sept. 2016.
Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment said Friday that Const. Jeff Van Woerden has been charged with one count of assault with a weapon, one count of assault and 4 counts of perjury.
Sept. 2016
From one to many.. the entire detachment is under investigation.
* No More Corruption*
*sponsored by the get a rope' committee*
*Time for the RCMP to go.*
A corrupt establishment controls the conversation but the documents don't lie.

Robert Smith
I am bondable with 2 criminal record checks in the last 2 decades.
Twenty year veteran of advocacy for children of divorce, very pleased to see BC resolve a 12 year issue of child support claw backs. With 90% of child support paid and a top G-8 economy BC doubled the child poverty rate in a decade it was time.
Justice is the cornerstone of society, any corruption of law and order has a domino effect.
Answers are required on how many of the top rcmp brass got a cut of the $40 million burglarized from the national treasury for allowing elections canada the time it needed to destroy the evidence of which MPs were elected on the dirty money.
Answers are required on how many members got a cut of the million dollar overtime bonus scam from the Nuttal manufactured terrorist event.
Answers are required starting with, why did the Royal Canadian Mounted Police knowingly ignore multiple assaults reported to them by a 5 and 7 year old?
International corruption.
After canada took a key role in setting up the Afghan government there are now more palaces around Kabul than Paris along with miles of mud hut slums.
Canada is behind NATO deployed to the Baltics. The nefarious purose of risking our troops is to interfere with Russian oil reaching ice free ports on the Black Sea that threatens canadas global market share.
------------------- Jan 24 2016 Note; after contacting me an RCMP officer has spent the last 6 months investigating my accusations against their involvement in a major crime and multiple serious physical assaults against small children. I have not received so much as an update. I expect by now they will have something to say in their defense.
For future reference the investigating officer is/was.
Sergeant Debbie Postnikoff <>
From a debate on replacing the RCMP to it's essential
November 27, 2015
The City of Richmond has moved a step closer to establishing an independent police department to replace its RCMP detachment.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police ignored multiple serious child assaults to avoid detection of their complicity in the commission of a major crime and then protected by the entire justice system right up to the federal level.
The story I stole the cash and put $250,000 in cocaine up my nose in a year is nothing but a hatchet job on my credibly. The only witnesses if there are any to drug use are all people involved in the theft, how is their credibility?
Following up on the hatchet job Widden (married..dated ex.) even had me spend a night in jail for sitting in my car out on the street waiting for my kids on a court ordered visitation day. Arrested for breach of the peace even though there was no peace bond. There was after that, 6 months no visitation. They have no explanation or excuses nor do they take and responsibility on how they went from the best police for in the world to one of the most corrupt.
There is no need to stress the importance of our children's rights. When that trust is broken by the authorities it is time to make wholesale changes.
Note, while contributing to multiple vicious assaults on my 5 and 7 year old the officer laughed when I asked for the status of the complaints the children filed.
After almost 2 decades the question remains, why were multiple assaults reported by my children ignored by the RCMP.

Doubting the rcmp are corrupt. Google rcmp perjury.
Don't think it's part of the rcmp culture?
Sept. 2016.
Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment said Friday that Const. Jeff Van Woerden has been charged with one count of assault with a weapon, one count of assault and 4 counts of perjury.
Sept. 2016
From one to many.. the entire detachment is under investigation.
* No More Corruption*
*sponsored by the get a rope' committee*
*Time for the RCMP to go.*
When I was out of the work force with cancer and a 50 50 recovery chance $250,000 went missing from my limited company partnership company. Even with checks made out to my company but with an address in the next province over re mailed in window envelopes the police said it was ok to steal from your business partner. I was curious as to why the RCMP would use such a lame excuse as a reason to ignore a major crime. I though possibly it because a highway patrol officer was moonlighting for my company and was tight with my business partner. I found out why when I got a call at 1 am that my business partner was loading the complete shop into a large uhaul truck, effectively shutting the doors them transferring the contracts into his wife's name, another crime. When I got there a uniformed officer was already there but prevented me under the threat of arrest that I not interfere. That is when it hit me, the police were in on the theft, the moonlighter officer could very well have set up the whole job. Even the witnesses that were there thought the same but stayed on the other side of the road, no arguing with an armed criminal. When the RCMP tossed the investigation then assisted in the theft of the physical shop I thought it best to walk away but the real kicker. They ignored multiple assault reports from my 5 and 7 year old kids, that is how deep the police were involved in covering up their criminal involvement. That couldn't serve any other purpose than avoiding any investigation that might expose their complicity in the major crimes they assisted in and obviously benefited from.
ReplyDeleteFor bungling the robberies for their obvious involvement the moonlighter washed cars for a couple of years while his partner was transferred to a sh!t posting. The detachment found out and took action, they covered their tracks even ignoring multiple child assaults
The plan was to have my children tell their story for use in a mayoral candidate platform of a past debate on replacing the RCMP with a local police force.
ReplyDeleteThe new plan.
from: Robert Smith to: Debbie Postnikoff
cc: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
date: Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:40 AM subject: bad news, really bad news and u better sit down mailed-by:
bad news, really bad news and u better sit down
Sergeant Postnicoff
As I noted in our telephone conversation the purpose of your report investigating my actions would turn into explaining how the RCMP went from the best police for in the world to one of the most corrupt.
As I also noted when this becomes evident to your superiors they will bury anything you turn up. It is exactly the type corruption that is the fuel to replace the RCMP in Hope, or BC, or disband the complete corrupt organization? The fuel that will power my mayoral platform of replacing the RCMP.
I expect the elections officer will refuse the application for legitimate calendar reasons but just applying will have the whole town buzzing, first base in becoming very vocal.
bad news;
The task of Vanessa and Steve is too great a task so I have instructed them to shut it down.
really bad news;
I don't require it, their classmates and most people I know already have heard the truth which means a simple application to enter the mayoralty race using 50 bucks worth of posters and social media to present the election platform is still on track, and only increased the apology required.
u better sit down;
The sitting mayor that was vilified for writing me character reference is again the sitting mayor and although I have yet to stop by municipal hall I'm very sure he would like to be vindicated.
Robert Smith
Chilliwack BC
How desperate was the Hope RCMP detachment to avoid complicity in the commission of a major crime(s)... The children asked what they could do when they were slapped to the ground every time they asked to see me. I suggested the children's help line or the police. Feeling more comfortable in the protection of the police they filed the first 2 assault reports with them.
ReplyDeleteWith the next serious occurrence they no longer trusted the police and called Zenith 1234.
I received a response from the MCF, they had received the 2 previous reports from the RCMP and determined the children were not in need of protection, no further action or response from the RCMP. Then is was running away from which resulted in the police returning them to the abuser even though they knew why they ran. I had to move away for their safety.
The abuse stories became public during the years I had moved and wouldn't, or more often couldn't have contact with my kids,,, so much for being accused of coaching them.
Why me? Simple..
Ask any divorced dad how much sway they have with the system be it the courts, the police, or any government agency. It was made to order, hundreds of thousands in cash with only a divorced dad dealing with a resentful women in the way. I suspect the married general duty RCMP officer, Rick Widden, that took my ex to a housewarming party at my business partners house intended more than romance while the highway patrol officer moonlighting for my company, Nigel Marsh could have been the brains as my partners planning abilities, lack of, were well known.
Besides the hatchet job the RCMP did on me to focus attention away from their active involvement in the witnessed commission of a major crime, FMEP sent out a threatening poison pen letter to all my previous employers effectively taking away my right to work at any place but McDs.
Everyone that knows me knows I would never walk away from my kids either physically or financially. I have already posted the document that shows I voluntarily paid child support when I had a 50 50 chance of survival after treatment and surgery for cancer.
I will post all names and documents when I fill out the mayoral candidate application.
There is no clear connection between the outright theft of the child support I paid and the major crime the RCMP are complicit in. See first post
ReplyDeleteThe story I was in arrears or should pay court costs does not fit the facts.
DeleteA couple of months after the 95 separation I suggested a separation agreement. At the time common law was not equvelent to marrage laws which is 50 50. Under common anything in my name stayed in my name like my heavy equipment but I included them because 50 50 was fair to me, and without them included I would have claimed 80% of the assets. The agreement Leona wrote up favored her for 2/3 of the assets, and I still agreed.
The agreement was written up and taken to Peter Kennedy to be drawn up but at the last minute Leona decided 66% wasn't good enough and notified Kennedy to cancel the agreement, she had a legal aid lawyer. She quit her job and went on welfare to get a legal aid lawyer, Thornton.
Peter Kennedy, "she won't get as much from the courts". I have to wonder why Thornton didn't tell her that, kaching?
When a good price came along I sold the equipment as the agreement reverted back to common law the equipment is in my name. Thornton made two attempts to reclaim the funds and lost both as I did nothing illegal selling my stuff, under common law. I did receive a 2 week sentence for contempt of court for filling out the paper work in the wrong order. I should have filed the notification with the courts before I sold them rather than after. The sale price was worth the rush, but the law is the law, paper in the right order.
Interesting day. Personally circulated hard copies of the blog publicly accusing the RCMP as a corrupt organization that should be disbanded. The sitting Mayor said it's never happened at any time after the contracts are signed and acknowledged how serious the charges are.
ReplyDeleteThe only priority I've expressed is to be invited to the perp walk of the thief and liar legal aid lawyer that stole the child support, M. Thornton. At the very least I expect the BC law Society to review its membership for common thieves and other criminal elements. After that the list I've expressed only is Madame kangaroo court Wendy Baker and Justice child abuser Grist.
With 20 years of complaints and nothing but BS replies how corrupt is the system?
Until Sept 1st there was a thing called child support claw backs meaning if you were in the majority of social assistance clients the child support was clawed back. It is by no means a strange coincidence with 90% of child support paid and a top G-8 economy child poverty doubled in the decade after the courts, against the federal justice committees recommendations, took sole custody and child support claw backs to historic highs.
While the system is very gender bias the courts are not, they are tax bias but pretend to be, keeps the fathers rights groups and the feminists arguing about gender bias and not using the divorce act to line government pockets. If the province is willing to double the child poverty rate in a decade by taxing our most vulnerable children then by what standard do they hold corruption to. The facts point to only one conclusion, the system needs an overhaul.
If the RCMP wanted to stay in BC, if not be completely disbanded in disgrace, they would, as I have expressed many times to them,,, uphold the law.
Between election promises and playing the blame game politicians barely register on the trust scale with a sizable portion falling into the crook category.
ReplyDeleteDuring the Gomer Inquiry under PM Martin the RCMP let the Revcan evidence of which MP was elected on the $40M burglarized from the treasury be destroyed rather than collecting evidence should Justice Gomery require it, which he did. The organization of government has a well known brotherhood of keeping everyone's asses out of jail that extends to not only the RCMP brass but because it does it then extends all the way down to the Hope detachment.
While we can elect another bunch of politicians we are hooked into the RCMP by Ottawa who also sets the brotherhood justice mandate. We can't elect any of the brass so the only way to separate the body from the head is end the organization.
Most of my friends are veterans with several combat missions. They have a brotherhood their lives depend on, honor and courage. The RCMP have a brotherhood keeping everyone's asses out of jail much like a crime family brotherhood.
The case to replace the Hope RCMP detachment with a private force has been more than validated with their cover up involvement in serious physical child abuse. The case to disband the RCMP nationally involves following the corruption of brotherhood right to the top through their full knowledge.
In an investigation last summer came to a halt because the officers had retired. It is not about the officers or the Hope detachment but the organization in general. Whether they are individually corrupt or not is like the retired officers mute.
The issue is corruption is the brotherhood of keeping everyone's asses out of jail that has been adopted down through the ranks from Ottawa. The solution is to disband the organization.
We can do a much better with a provincial police force on all counts.
ReplyDeleteJust a couple of things missed.
While this is just a poll the data matches, 40% of homeowners can't pay all their monthly bills.
The second and I am one of those parents, 20% of wages used to go to government ,now they scoop 60%.
The results of stimulus. The fastest growing wealth gap in the developed world, the fastest growing personal debt to record highs.
The current list of tax increases from GST and MSP to carbon pricing coupled with more stimulus will have one result,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, more debt.
Generation Upurs.
In 2005 I outlined Gen U (1 in 10 child poverty rate) turning street age in 2015.
Outnumbered by seniors without the backup of wealthy boomer parents but mostly single parent children dealing with debt. When the government tells them to put on the yoke they will say upurs.
The update over the last decade includes doubling the child poverty rate in a decade in a top G-8 economy with 90% of child support paid. Against the ongoing record personal debt Canada has the fastest growing wealth gap in the developed world. It will be interesting to see how PM Trudeau will deal with increasing personal debt with GST, MSP or $500 per family carbon tax with the 1 in 7 child poverty rate turning street age in through till 2020 when the 1 in 5 turn street age.
This is not new news to our government. As a I spent almost 2 decades as an advocate for the children of divorce I have painstaking made full and successful efforts to bring this to the governments attention and concern.
It took 12 years before BC stopped the child support claw backs ending family courts criminal action of ordering sole custody in 100% of the cases the government pockets the child support. I found ever step of the way rampant with corruption.
The root of the problem is corruption and the RCMP brotherhood of keeping everyones asses out of jail for making mistakes. The whole organization has now followed their bosses, the federal government, of corrupting that brotherhood into including crime intentional involved in.
The rampant corruption of the justice system is part of the political machine and time for a political answer.
Panama Papers
ReplyDeletePM Trudeaus comments focused on tax avoidance along the same lInes as the defenders of of shore tax havens.
Tax avoidance as in legal income manipulation using offshore accounts while tax evasion is criminal.
There is no clear explanation if how tax avoidance is any less criminal than tax evasion but clearly any explanation would be weak.
I find any intent to explore the tax havens, laundered money, and Vancouvers insane house prices. Shades of the gomer inquiry.
PM Paul Martin said the Gomer-y Inquiry will get to the bottom of adscam which only revealed that the Liberals burglarized the national treasury for $40 million but not which MPs were elected on the dirty money.
The evidence of which MPs were elected on it was destroyed by elections canada after they waited the required 3 years hold.
It was not only convenient the gomer inquiry delayed the required time to destroy the evidence it was supported by the RCMP.
Even though the RCMP were aware of the time element they delayed any criminal investigation in regards to the known evidence election canada held.
If that was with criminal intent to obstruct justice then it shows a level of incompetence that surpasses any of my experiences of why the RCMP should be disbandedottom of adscam which only revealed that the Liberals burglarized the national treasury for $40 million but not which MPs were elected on the dirty money.
The evidence of which MPs were elected on it was destroyed by elections canada after they waited the required 3 years hold.
It was not only convenient the gomer inquiry delayed the required time to destroy the evidence it was supported by the RCMP.
Even though the RCMP were aware of the time element they delayed any criminal investigation in regards to the known evidence election canada held.
If that was with criminal intent to obstruct justice then it shows a level of incompetence that surpasses any of my experiences of why the RCMP should be disbanded.
Email to RCMP
ReplyDelete--- Original message --------
From: poppavox
Date: 2016-04-19 1:17 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Debbie Postnikoff
Subject: Generation Upurs
A couple of years after I coined child support claw back as Non Custodial Parent Tax, NCPT, I coined Gen U in 2005 pertaining to the generation turning street age in 2015.
At the time I based my predictions on several factors. The first based on my 8 years of research, sole custody and the 1 in 10 child poverty rate. Contrary to popular belief 90% of child support is paid and not caused by dead beat dad's even though the few are more dead broke than dead beat, but BC also had the highest child support claw backs caused by the highest sole custody rate. Not even 1 father in 10 was good enough to be a father after separation.
The #1 indicator of a criminal lifestyle is childhood poverty. The highest number of single parent children in poverty fits into the stats, 80% of prison inmates were single parent children.
I predicted when the government tells Gen U to put on the yolk and support the boomers who already outnumber our youth, for the first time, they will say upurs. Out numbers by seniors, mostly from impoverished single parent homes and not the current wealthy boomers supporting the Milenials. Record private debt with nothing to reduce it, massive public debt limiting their future.
There is a lot more but the really bad news didn't come out till 2010. Seems the child hood poverty rate went to 1 in 5 and they will be turning street age in 2020.
In a top G8 economy with 90% of child support paid is it any wonder the feds wanted to built super prisons. They will have to find a way to deal with the hundreds if thousands of victims of child support claw backs before the general public finds out it was government greed, supported by the courts and their gunslinger enforcers.
That's how I knew the RCMP won't represent justice or uphold the law. Still I thought I'd give you a chance to right a few wrongs when faced with using my global contacts that support law and order I've gathered over 20 years to force Ottawa to uphold the law, and disband the gang of there's and gunslingers.
In my younger chess master days I'd calling check and start your clock.
Someone will answer why multiple serious assult reports filled by my children were ignored. I'm thinking it would be the perfect excuse for Ottawa to disband the force without actually admit they are a criminal organisation with the creed of keeping everyone's asses out if jail, no matter how serious the offense.
I'm thinking the kid running the show just might like to put on long pants and uphold the law.
The passport vetting by US immigration isn't part of upholding the law and I don't expect the digital wall till next year so don't get hung up on it. Answer the question before I make another move and Ottawa has to be held accountable.
In any case if you didn't know you had a huge part in creating Gen U, remember ignorance is no excuse so anyone flying your gang colors will be held accountable.
You personally have full knowledge of the fraud perpetrated on me by FMEP. The court order reads the child support paid first, ahead of bringing a legal aid lawyer up to full rate. You have failed to do your duty, you have to uphold the law, you are guilty if deriliction of duty by allowing the fraud to continue.
In other words you have already proved you ate dirty just another holding the law in contempt unless it fits personal service.
I know how this is going to end, the question is how badly. You might want to think about that as Gen U and the 2020 crowd become your legacy.
Friendly advice.
Might be time for you to stop trying to save the forces rep and think about saving yourself.
Email to RCMP
ReplyDelete--- Original message --------
From: poppavox
Date: 2016-04-19 1:17 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Debbie Postnikoff
Subject: Generation Upurs
A couple of years after I coined child support claw back as Non Custodial Parent Tax, NCPT, I coined Gen U in 2005 pertaining to the generation turning street age in 2015.
At the time I based my predictions on several factors. The first based on my 8 years of research, sole custody and the 1 in 10 child poverty rate. Contrary to popular belief 90% of child support is paid and not caused by dead beat dad's even though the few are more dead broke than dead beat, but BC also had the highest child support claw backs caused by the highest sole custody rate. Not even 1 father in 10 was good enough to be a father after separation.
The #1 indicator of a criminal lifestyle is childhood poverty. The highest number of single parent children in poverty fits into the stats, 80% of prison inmates were single parent children.
I predicted when the government tells Gen U to put on the yolk and support the boomers who already outnumber our youth, for the first time, they will say upurs. Out numbers by seniors, mostly from impoverished single parent homes and not the current wealthy boomers supporting the Milenials. Record private debt with nothing to reduce it, massive public debt limiting their future.
There is a lot more but the really bad news didn't come out till 2010. Seems the child hood poverty rate went to 1 in 5 and they will be turning street age in 2020.
In a top G8 economy with 90% of child support paid is it any wonder the feds wanted to built super prisons. They will have to find a way to deal with the hundreds if thousands of victims of child support claw backs before the general public finds out it was government greed, supported by the courts and their gunslinger enforcers.
That's how I knew the RCMP won't represent justice or uphold the law. Still I thought I'd give you a chance to right a few wrongs when faced with using my global contacts that support law and order I've gathered over 20 years to force Ottawa to uphold the law, and disband the gang of there's and gunslingers.
In my younger chess master days I'd calling check and start your clock.
Someone will answer why multiple serious assult reports filled by my children were ignored. I'm thinking it would be the perfect excuse for Ottawa to disband the force without actually admit they are a criminal organisation with the creed of keeping everyone's asses out if jail, no matter how serious the offense.
I'm thinking the kid running the show just might like to put on long pants and uphold the law.
The passport vetting by US immigration isn't part of upholding the law and I don't expect the digital wall till next year so don't get hung up on it. Answer the question before I make another move and Ottawa has to be held accountable.
In any case if you didn't know you had a huge part in creating Gen U, remember ignorance is no excuse so anyone flying your gang colors will be held accountable.
You personally have full knowledge of the fraud perpetrated on me by FMEP. The court order reads the child support paid first, ahead of bringing a legal aid lawyer up to full rate. You have failed to do your duty, you have to uphold the law, you are guilty if deriliction of duty by allowing the fraud to continue.
In other words you have already proved you ate dirty just another holding the law in contempt unless it fits personal service.
I know how this is going to end, the question is how badly. You might want to think about that as Gen U and the 2020 crowd become your legacy.
Friendly advice.
Might be time for you to stop trying to save the forces rep and think about saving yourself.
Email addendum to RCMP
ReplyDeleteMy apology for not including what you've been supporting or rather who you've been working for.
Again doubling the child poverty rate from
1 in 10 to 1 in 5, in a decade. In a top G8 economy with 90% of child support paid.
As noted the record sole custody rate and child support resulted in record child support claw backs.
The evil is in how the record child support was created. Statistically sole is ordered 94% of the time with child support involved in almost all cases. Mother's about 87% of the time when fathers rights groups decry as gender bias. When a claw back is even a remote possibility then sole custody and child support goes to 100%.
It is proof positive the courts are not gender bias but in fact tax bias, and use the divorce act to generate an unconstitutional tax. On the backs of our most vulnerable children.
The middle 1 in 7 child poverty rate will have early gen u parents and older siblings already saying the future is here,its 2016 and the 2020 crowd will have both. Mostly just to collect an unconstitutional tax and blaming the results on good fathers.
I don't know how any of you can stand being a part of that, as the official enforcers no less.
I guess once you cross that line and ignore the children being abused theft or even murder is part of the equation.
If you were an international investor with children would you resist my call to sell Canada? Actually it was check mate before you called but thanks for the imaginary game.
Live long and pay your debt to society.
RCMP emailed
ReplyDeleteSargent Postnikoff
Since our telephone conversation you have had a year to evaluate my complaints and have not responded. I noted then I doubted you would and informed you I would not hold my program.
I wish to make my motivation perfectly clear.
RCMP abuse of power.
1. A married RCMP officer Rick Widdon jailed me for a night at the request of his mistress, my ex Leona Baker in order to defy a court order.
2. While I was out of the office with cancer $250,000 was stolen from my company. During that time another RCMP officer Nigel March was moonlighting for my business partner at my company. The RCMP started a rumor I stole the money.. from a hospitable bed.. and spent it on cocaine.. to shift focus.
In a year.. all by myself.. because every user or drug dealer will tell you I've never been around it. Besides both would be impossible from a hospitable bed.
3 The multiple assult reports filed by my children were ignored so that none of the previous crimes came to light.
The entire Hope RCMP detachment was in on the cover up including Staff Ashbough? who laughed and said must have misplaced them, perhaps in the waste bin.
4. Now that your bosses have full knowledge and continue the cover up, regardless of documents and witness statements my thesis that the entire force has to he disbanded to see justice is approved by the international communities of my peers.
The simplest thing you could have done, and the most important was answer why the RCMP ignored multiple serious assult reports filed by a 6 and 8 year old.
Your refusal is your guilty plea. You will be disbanded as a criminal organisation.
Robert Smith
ReplyDeleteNot many noticed after canada took a key role in setting up the Afghan government now there are more palaces around Kabul than Paris.
A lot remember the Gomery Inquiry.
The RCMP were fully aware elections canada were required to hold for 3 years the evidence of which MPs were elected on the $40 million burglarized from the national treasury.
After the Nuttall case of obvious entrapment right from the start that netted $3 million in overtime bonus... I wonder who got a cut of the $40 million.
We can't dispose of corruption in government when they are protected by a corrupt national police force.
ReplyDeleteNot many noticed after canada took a key role in setting up the Afghan government now there are more palaces around Kabul than Paris.
A lot remember the Gomery Inquiry.
The RCMP were fully aware elections canada were required to hold for 3 years the evidence of which MPs were elected on the $40 million burglarized from the national treasury.
After the Nuttall case of obvious entrapment right from the start that netted $3 million in overtime bonus... I wonder who got a cut of the $40 million.
We can't dispose of corruption in government when they are protected by a corrupt national police force.
Ontario is shutting down child support clawbacks Jan 1 2017.
ReplyDeleteToo late for Christmas but better late than never.
2 down
Janet Hanbury
ReplyDeletelol "for once"??
It's been awhile but I recall a few times.
FMEP like all government agency whose specific purpose is to demonize fathers so the government can steal the child support they are gender bias..but they are also a american owned collection agency contracted to collect child support. Like any collection agency they tend to push the line on legality to make collections. They spend the bulk of their resources collecting child support that the government will claimed through clawbacks. Because they collect for the government they step over the line with complete immunity knowing they have the backing of the attorney generals office who also controls the rcmp.
I just got off the line with FMEP asking again why they are still collecting child support when it was fully paid in 1999.
They said they have a court order with child support arrears
(2 years out of the work force battling cancer) fixed at $17,000.
Which I agreed with. I reminded them again that the court held $24,000 of my share of the settlement that I set aside to make any payments I might miss..cancer.
They said we have to paperwork on the distrabustion of the funds so they considered it an unpaid debt.
Again I reminded them the court order places paying the child support the top priority.. and there was more than enough to pay it. Again lol I reminded they they spoke with Ms Baker who confirmed she did in fact receive the funds.
At the end of this last conversation I asked for a physical address of the case workers to deliver a summons for fraud.. as they know it was paid and have for a decade at least.
Of course they are protected by so there will be no result but it goes to show the level of corruption in supporting the courts unspoken mandate of using sole custody to generate a tax. The rule of law means as much as the best interest of the children or child support is for the children.
BC ended the horific practice of forcing tens of thousands of children to grow up in poverty from clawbacks last year.
When the child poverty rate went from 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 in a decade it didn't take much more of a push after 12 years of making the criminality of clawbacks know internationally... 50,000 BC kids had a better Christmas last year.
Ontario is ending it Jan 1.. cheap twits couldn't do it in time for this Christmas.
FMEP. . A criminally operated gender bias contractor.. right up the governments ally.