Growth not Taxes.
In a 5 year period under the current global economic system of stimulus the 1% have increased ownership of the worlds wealth from 44% to 50% while the 99% have gone 'another' $75 Trillion in debt.
It is already very evident things will not end well whether you are the 1% or the top 10% or the 99%.
Stimulus is as predicted a wealth transfer, more debt is not a global economic plan.
Run of the river hydrogen generation uses surplus high flow water using only elevation through a piping system. The only exception to a 0 footprint is the loading station, no dams, no transmission clear cuts, only uses existing mainline logging roads for propane type hydrogen fuel cell powered truck transport to commercial outlets.
The hydrogen highway has been stalled since the 2010 Winter Olympics due to the high cost and availability of hydrogen. Run of the river hydrogen generation can supply hydrogen at competitive costs to fossil fuels. Proto type miniature hydrogen fuel cells to charge batteries on electric cars guarantee a future hydrogen market for direct automotive fuel or hybrid, hydrogen over electric battery.
Generation employment.
Robert Smith
I ran the no side of the taxation process for an indoor pool. After debating the issue with Walter Kassion the elected regional director the no side won by a large margin. They were forced to abandon their taxation plan with a broader plan, which, lol they bypassed with a dollar.
The then sitting mayor suggested I run for councilor at large, I was already maxed out slowing to a 60 hr work week just for a rest.
Taxation and political leaning.
A fiscal conservative populous from a career spanning both union and nonunion jobs.
The current taxation system was popularized by the Romans 2500 years ago and perfected by the Kings and their sheriffs 1500 years ago. Through taxation and fees etc 60 cents of our earned dollar goes to the government yet governments keep racking up record debt. It hardly seems arguable the system is failing. Simplifying to a single consumption tax would save government money and increase spending power of consumers. The basics of a straight consumption tax replacing all others means the more you make the more it costs to spend it.
Food, accommodation and health exempt.
Voting for a mayor could be your vote for a nominated federal government to replace our broken elected federal system. Promoting grass roots democracy right to the growing tendrils is a pledge as a mayor.
Environment and generational employment.
On less taxes with economic growth
My business associates and colleagues know the only business I had to walk away from as a failure was stolen. The workers in logging mining and construction I've worked with have never hesitated in working with or for me. Rock super for EAC, Ledcor, drill and blast foreman, Goodbrand.
Bid successfully for upgrade rock work at Dry Gulch for Jim Dent Construction, heavy equipment operator for several other local contractors as well as my own heavy contracting. Logging contractor, May Trucking.
Grade 8, self educated mining engineer, Giant Mascot production head surveyor, Carolin Mines, chief engineer exploration phase.
In the fall of 1996 I had surgery for cancer scheduled. The treatments till then made me too sick to work so during the summer I went off the treatments to keep working and have a paycheck for child support. It is the reason I only had a 50 50 chance after surgery.
Up to till the FMEP poison pen campaign I was always top of the rehire list. I get the job done.
I am not now nor have I ever been in arrears in child support, (documents).
The debate on whether to replace the national RCMP with a local police force was in debate during their last contract negotiations with the government.
I am bondable with 2 criminal record checks in the last 2 decades.
I ran the no side of a tax referendum on an indoor pool with this poster,,,,,
* No More Taxes *
* sponsored by the get a rope' committee *
(see comment 5)
and won by a large margin on the taxation formula, once amended the pool was built.
Twenty year veteran of advocacy for children of divorce. Very pleased to see BC resolve a 12 year issue of child support claw backs.
Climate change is happening as close as our Pacific shores and it is happening at many times the speed of the most pessimistic projections.
The blob, a hundreds of square miles of record Pacific temperatures, 3 degrees Celsius. There was a record plankton bloom that decomposed into hundreds of miles of oxygen depleted death zones with the end of a record toxic algae bloom. Another wild salmon run is missing.
The kicker, 3 billion people rely on the oceans as their main source of protein.Record personal debt and government debt ($70B for BC) is now a bigger factor making the current tax situation untenable if not unsustainable. Costs continue to go up while wages are stagnant and full time is being replaced with part time, or minimum wage, completely evaporating any chance of taxing our way out of debt, competitive growth is the only solution.
My interest in run of the river electrical generation started in 1979 when I had a 6 inch 129 PSI irrigation line available through the winter. At the time the only way to regulate the speed of the Pelton water wheel was mechanical, very temperamental. A digital switch now moves the power around on demand letting the wheel run at a constant feed mechanically reducing it to one moving part.
From a mining engineering standpoint construction of run of river hydrogen generation projects are relatively standard. As regulated by stream flows and virtually 0 footprint environmentally planning and implementation with conversions to demand would exceed the current cost and technology of electric.
Regardless of the second plank resuscitating the hydrogen highway with abundant competitively priced hydrogen is the first priority. Locally built and maintained, remotely operated and monitored in the fuel of the future is growth and jobs.
There are trillions of dollars sitting in cash accounts around the world looking for a stable long term investment driven by stable demand. multiple hydrogen fuel cell manufactures in a position to expand into automotive along with all the manufactures expanding to alternative fuels. There is work going on with a hybrid using an onboard miniature hydrogen fuel cell to charge the battery and could factor in availability into development spending. Even if the world goes full electric hydrogen is the fuel to charge the batteries, the fuel of the future.
The investment capital is available, the manufactures are available, the skill sets are available locally and the technology is available.
Toyota would be allowing use of some 5,680 patent licenses, including almost 300 related to high-pressure hydrogen tanks, and 70 related to hydrogen filling stations. These licenses will be freely available throughout the duration of the market introduction period of fuel-cell vehicles, which the company anticipates will end around 2020.
In a 5 year period under the current global economic system of stimulus the 1% have increased ownership of the worlds wealth from 44% to 50% while the 99% have gone 'another' $75 Trillion in debt.
It is already very evident things will not end well whether you are the 1% or the top 10% or the 99%.
Stimulus is as predicted a wealth transfer, more debt is not a global economic plan.
Run of the river hydrogen generation uses surplus high flow water using only elevation through a piping system. The only exception to a 0 footprint is the loading station, no dams, no transmission clear cuts, only uses existing mainline logging roads for propane type hydrogen fuel cell powered truck transport to commercial outlets.
The hydrogen highway has been stalled since the 2010 Winter Olympics due to the high cost and availability of hydrogen. Run of the river hydrogen generation can supply hydrogen at competitive costs to fossil fuels. Proto type miniature hydrogen fuel cells to charge batteries on electric cars guarantee a future hydrogen market for direct automotive fuel or hybrid, hydrogen over electric battery.
Generation employment.
I ran the no side of the taxation process for an indoor pool. After debating the issue with Walter Kassion the elected regional director the no side won by a large margin. They were forced to abandon their taxation plan with a broader plan, which, lol they bypassed with a dollar.
The then sitting mayor suggested I run for councilor at large, I was already maxed out slowing to a 60 hr work week just for a rest.
Taxation and political leaning.
A fiscal conservative populous from a career spanning both union and nonunion jobs.
The current taxation system was popularized by the Romans 2500 years ago and perfected by the Kings and their sheriffs 1500 years ago. Through taxation and fees etc 60 cents of our earned dollar goes to the government yet governments keep racking up record debt. It hardly seems arguable the system is failing. Simplifying to a single consumption tax would save government money and increase spending power of consumers. The basics of a straight consumption tax replacing all others means the more you make the more it costs to spend it.
Food, accommodation and health exempt.
Voting for a mayor could be your vote for a nominated federal government to replace our broken elected federal system. Promoting grass roots democracy right to the growing tendrils is a pledge as a mayor.
Environment and generational employment.
On less taxes with economic growth
My business associates and colleagues know the only business I had to walk away from as a failure was stolen. The workers in logging mining and construction I've worked with have never hesitated in working with or for me. Rock super for EAC, Ledcor, drill and blast foreman, Goodbrand.
Bid successfully for upgrade rock work at Dry Gulch for Jim Dent Construction, heavy equipment operator for several other local contractors as well as my own heavy contracting. Logging contractor, May Trucking.
Grade 8, self educated mining engineer, Giant Mascot production head surveyor, Carolin Mines, chief engineer exploration phase.
In the fall of 1996 I had surgery for cancer scheduled. The treatments till then made me too sick to work so during the summer I went off the treatments to keep working and have a paycheck for child support. It is the reason I only had a 50 50 chance after surgery.
Up to till the FMEP poison pen campaign I was always top of the rehire list. I get the job done.
I am not now nor have I ever been in arrears in child support, (documents).
The debate on whether to replace the national RCMP with a local police force was in debate during their last contract negotiations with the government.
I am bondable with 2 criminal record checks in the last 2 decades.
I ran the no side of a tax referendum on an indoor pool with this poster,,,,,
* No More Taxes *
* sponsored by the get a rope' committee *
(see comment 5)
and won by a large margin on the taxation formula, once amended the pool was built.
Twenty year veteran of advocacy for children of divorce. Very pleased to see BC resolve a 12 year issue of child support claw backs.
Climate change is happening as close as our Pacific shores and it is happening at many times the speed of the most pessimistic projections.
The blob, a hundreds of square miles of record Pacific temperatures, 3 degrees Celsius. There was a record plankton bloom that decomposed into hundreds of miles of oxygen depleted death zones with the end of a record toxic algae bloom. Another wild salmon run is missing.
The kicker, 3 billion people rely on the oceans as their main source of protein.Record personal debt and government debt ($70B for BC) is now a bigger factor making the current tax situation untenable if not unsustainable. Costs continue to go up while wages are stagnant and full time is being replaced with part time, or minimum wage, completely evaporating any chance of taxing our way out of debt, competitive growth is the only solution.
My interest in run of the river electrical generation started in 1979 when I had a 6 inch 129 PSI irrigation line available through the winter. At the time the only way to regulate the speed of the Pelton water wheel was mechanical, very temperamental. A digital switch now moves the power around on demand letting the wheel run at a constant feed mechanically reducing it to one moving part.
From a mining engineering standpoint construction of run of river hydrogen generation projects are relatively standard. As regulated by stream flows and virtually 0 footprint environmentally planning and implementation with conversions to demand would exceed the current cost and technology of electric.
Regardless of the second plank resuscitating the hydrogen highway with abundant competitively priced hydrogen is the first priority. Locally built and maintained, remotely operated and monitored in the fuel of the future is growth and jobs.
There are trillions of dollars sitting in cash accounts around the world looking for a stable long term investment driven by stable demand. multiple hydrogen fuel cell manufactures in a position to expand into automotive along with all the manufactures expanding to alternative fuels. There is work going on with a hybrid using an onboard miniature hydrogen fuel cell to charge the battery and could factor in availability into development spending. Even if the world goes full electric hydrogen is the fuel to charge the batteries, the fuel of the future.
The investment capital is available, the manufactures are available, the skill sets are available locally and the technology is available.
Toyota would be allowing use of some 5,680 patent licenses, including almost 300 related to high-pressure hydrogen tanks, and 70 related to hydrogen filling stations. These licenses will be freely available throughout the duration of the market introduction period of fuel-cell vehicles, which the company anticipates will end around 2020.
ReplyDeleteEvery municipality has over spent, ours is no exception. Translink spawned a mini tax revolt with its proposed .5% increase in PST. Local governments admit property taxes are maxed out and a another recession is the fabled growth from stimulus Harper promised in 2009. As long as we keep replacing full time well paid jobs with minimum wages or part time local governments have very little else to turn to but increasing taxes or deficit spending from the other two levels of government.
Like Obama said in 2008 this election is all about jobs but all we've seen is more debt with a labour participation rate flat for 10 years.
As the fossil fuel transportation industry is the largest global polluter switching to electric cars can't and won't happen soon enough. Batteries are a big problem while Site C and multiple transmission lines would be needed to charge them all.
Hydrogen only needs logging road access to the lowest or last point of the water way for compression and loading. 0 GHG and exportable surpluses.
Debt is the killer of supply side management which was coded as stimulus. The expected inflation from stimulus didn't happen, only flat wages and record debt. Debt has choked demand turning trickle down economics into an occasional drip. This is the economic environment where increased costs to the consumer is a non-starter. With China slowing down due to the shape of the developed nations consumers better and cheaper is viable, a tax to save the planet is not.
A change to economical hydrogen cell cars with an adequate supply of hydrogen is demand side economics, create a better cheaper product that fits the demand side fiscal position.
Even with Site C charging all electric isn't possible and many places world wide would import coal negating any NA effort. Run of the river hydrogen can compete with fossil fuels and exportable as a renewable 0 GHG fuel.
Economic activity to pay the bills versus more taxes.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to note the world has gone another $75 trillion in debt in the last 5 years. The historical success rate of stimulus is 0, with the 80's collapse of the USSR as most notable. The success of the 2009 stimulus is obviously 0 as we are back in recession. Growth is based on demand, stimulus is a way of supplying the demand with cheap plentiful money but unfortunately Canadians keep hitting record debt levels putting a ceiling on the intented stimulated demand. This principle also applies to fees and taxes noted in the recent Vancouver transit referendum. It was voted down over a .5% increase in sales tax not because an expanded system wasn't wanted. Tolls on bridges now seems much less despised as an alternative to increasing property taxes, but it's obvious main street demand fueled growth has limited out along with fees and taxes.
Most projections on climate change suggests our current GHG output will have catastrophic effects around the world, the BoE, Carney, suggested most fossil fuels will have to remain ion the ground.
It's never been hard to find a tax a government didn't like but even if a carbon tax would save the planet the time it would take to implement doesn't fit any time line of consequence.
Relying on a tax to save the planet will only delay any viable plan that will make a difference. As transportation is the biggest and baddest electric cars is a solution,,, but,,, batteries. Battery supply limits putting enough electric cars on the road in any reasonable time line to affect global warming.
New generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are limited by the availability due to the high cost of production and the need to highly compress the gas.
Run of the river hydrogen generation, cheap available.
Who killed the hydrogen highway is an interesting question. I doubt it is arguable that BC Hydro wants the conversion to be to all electric cars and wouldn't take a shine to its direct competition using run of the river to generate hydrogen.
Site C dam versus run of the river hydrogen.
Both fuels, 0 GHG.
Hydrogen production.
No flooding of land using only surplus water at peak seasons. No transmission lines cutting up the country.
High compression stage and tanker loading station at extreme lower end. All mountain installations, remotely monitored and operated with only the tanker station above ground for an almost 0 footprint.
BC has yet to spend a penny of the carbon tax on the environment, I suspect its a lack of viable projects. I'm confident when the Mayor explains the advantages of run of the river hydrogen along with ease of construction and understood by BC Hydro with the potential boost in economic activity the government will have another look at Site C. Hydrogen potentially can easily create as many generational jobs for the province as Site C will create in short term employment, and accomplish it by the scheduled end of the Site C project.
The G-7 has confirmed it supports fossil fuels for another 85 years before we have a carbon free economy. We need to start now, we need to make the hydrogen highway happen and we can with run of the river.
The future of hydrogen transportation.
ReplyDeleteThe only inhibiting factor to hydrogen fueled cars is the high compression needed to carry a minimum amount of fuel increasing both cost and availability. The dedicated run of the river energy needed for compression is not an extra cost of imported energy but a reduction in production resulting in pricing comparable to fossil fuel.
The future of transportation using magnetic levitation and propulsion has been undergoing tests for decades including a 300 kph 65 ton train. Elon Musk has redesigned the train concept, link at bottom.
For well over a decade I have been researching mag lev for the purpose of moving cars. The advantages over our current system of pavement and gasoline or even electric stamps it as the transportation of the future. 300kph+ which with the safety factor distances equals 5 lanes of freeway traveling at the posted speed of 100. That's a lot less pavement and bridges. While space availability in the city core could slow speeds down to 100 kph there would be an exit every 20 blocks. Travel at speed to within 10 blocks of your destination, no grid lock increasing personal productivity by your current commute time minus a few minutes. The eastern US needs hundreds of billions in upgrades to its electric grid, a mag lev could replace the grid. Rather than refined oil to gas that is used continuously along any route via gasoline engines a much less refined product such as bunker fuel burned in only a few locations along the route with 0 GHG emission scrubbers. We can burn fossil fuel we just need to do it smarter but not with a tax. Economically
A carbon tax only finances the government and will delay any viable plan till it is too late, the possibility of any tax saving the planet is not supported by any metrics. A global transportation make over to a mag lev for cars would not only save the planet environmentally but economically as well. It would supply more jobs than workers creating the right kind of inflation by breaking the wage stagnation.
Personally I believe the best way to stop a terrorist is with a job.
When a high speed tube is available most hydrogen fueled cars would only need the low cost low compression hydrogen that can be generated from solar panels on your roof, making hydrogen fuel cheaper than fossil fuels. It follows that hydrogen is the fuel of the future and the only way the world will go green is with less green.
It is the fuel of the future, Hope and District has a lot of that future to build on.
The design by Mr. Musk has a serious flaw, the unsightly towers designed for earthquakes. My design incorporates a travel tube suspended with shock absorbers inside a larger tube or tunnel.
The environment won't wait for the economy to fix itself, the world just went another $75 trillion in debt in the last 5 years.
ReplyDeleteI suspect most people regard run away climate change as an uncomfortable time. Venus once had an atmosphere similar to earths and now it's hot enough to melt lead. Uncomfortable are the predictions of a few degrees warmer, glacial melt and 100 meter rise in sea levels, 90% of the oceans species extinct.
I feeling uncomfortable with what we have now, warmest on record. Latest study has Vancouver Island glaciers gone in a couple of decades, record retreat of Greenland ice sheets, record El Nino on tap, ice free NW Passage.
The oceans are the main source of protein for three billion people.
Floating out in the eastern Pacific are thousands of square kilometers of record warm water, 3 degrees Celsius warmer than normal. We just had a record plankton boom that feed the largest toxic algae bloom ever causing more square kilometers of oxygen depletion,a complete death zone.
Any metrics of a carbon tax won't change that any more than a tax insufficient to completely shut down fossil fuel consumption. Neither are acceptable.
I don't want to think we need a category 4 hurricane roaring up Howe Sound before we start creating a carbon free economy when competitive run of the river hydrogen is collecting dust...
When 2+2 equals 0
ReplyDeleteIn 2009 Obama said "we will inflate our way out of debt". Nobel winner Krugman cites debt creates inflation through consumer spending. The expanding demand trickling down to employment and wages creating good inflation.
I was in the camp that stimulus was a wealth transfer as the historical success rate of stimulus is 0. The most notable failure was the 80's stimulus of eastern European countries that lead to the economic collapse of the USSR. In the last 5 years the 1% have gone from 44% ownership of the worlds wealth to 50% while the 99% have gone another $75 trillion in debt.
The US stimulus added $6 trillion in sovereign debt and the goal or good inflation of wages and labor participation are flat while only consumer costs have gone up, food, energy and housing, notably bad inflation.
Following the 2009 promise of US inflation driving up commodity values PM Harper said we will grow our way out of debt, and added another $58 billion in sovereign debt. Commodities lead the following 5 year bull run on inflation speculation, funded by unlimited debt as currencies and interest rates raced to the bottom. Governments across Canada budgeted commodity inflation on $100 oil. China stockpiled raw commodities while investing globally on raw resources. More borrowed money pumped commodity inflation speculation even though the oil glut was well known in 2010.
Five years later inflated commodity prices have exceeded the pace of good inflation by twice. Tankers full of $80 oil still dreaming good inflation can be created by debt. Without the promised inflation the speculation has unwound and, so has the plan to inflate out of debt with more debt. Governments faced with record personal debt, sovereign debt and a stagnant labor force are wondering how they can get enough growth to tax their way out of debt without wage inflation. Same answer, more debt trying to keep the bubble inflated, QE1, QE2, QE3, QE4, QE Infinity. The global economy is floating on a sea of debt and so far stimulus is just pumping more water under a sinking boat.
The current big swing to green economies is more changing channels than realistic on several fronts. The biggest obstacle to date is the same malady the global economy has, debt. Vancouver rejected a transit tax and would reject any council that wants to increase property taxes. Green initiatives increasing consumer costs has little hope of entering mainstream society under current debt loads, much less be globally accepted enough to make an environmental difference.
2 of a lot of stuff added to 2 of a lot of nothing equal 0
Magnetic levitation Propulsion
ReplyDeleteFarther into the future should you have doubts about the present.
Decades ago Japan propelled a 65 ton train down a mag lev track at 300 kph. A track or tube for autos to replace our current transportation has increased complexity balanced by simplicity of construction compared to a mag lev train track.
The main features are both planet savers.
A 0 GHG global transportation system that can even use intermittent electric plants powered by unrefined upgraded oil and scrubbed to 0 GHG. No need to kill the fossil fuel jobs.
Second, more jobs than workers world wide, the best way to stop a terrorist is with a job.
We have the technology and construction ability.
There are tens of trillions sitting in cash accounts looking for stable long term investment. The global transportation system has the demand, mag lev will give it generational growth.
The growth potential is based on current estimated speeds of 300 KPH. One tube/track will handle 5 freeway lanes at speed. Growth multipliers of five times the volume in one fifth the space.
Grid lock can be completely eliminated increasing personal productivity by current commute times. A fuel cell vehicle moved on a mag lev only requires the very cheap low pressure hydrogen.
The generational component of global demand fueled growth financed through derivative financing will attract the trillions in idle cash fueling a resonance in global manufacturing.
Eventually speeds will increase cutting coast to coast travel half of today's plane travel at potentially less than half the cost, it is the future and now is the time.
The future of hydrogen fuel is already underway, it is time to get involved.
Only scrubbed factories using clean energy need bid supply or labor or parts.
The Paris talks. Canada plan.
ReplyDeleteCarbon free by 2050 reducing global GHG by 2%. Show leadership, our motto. 'We build it they will follow.'
The big flaw, how many developing nations could or would throw hundreds of billions at a global problem. Recently a Chinese official stated the west created its wealth with fossil fuel why shouldn't we, that's from the only country that can throw money at the problem.
The Paris talks will undoubtedly be lead by the G-20 currently subsidizing global fossil fuels to the tune of $450 billion. Our government, Suzuki and even May all talk GHG reduction supported by a tax with increased costs to the consumer,, as yet undetermined,,.
Trudeau shouldn't bother spending all that dough on Paris vacations when the whole crew can just stay here and decide what our consumer can bear in the way of carbons taxes, environmental fees and the coming toll every foot of pavement plan.
The reality is the Paris talks are a tax talk that will fund desperate cash short governments but wrapped in an environmental cloak. Perhaps if someone discussed the environmental tipping point on the horizon someone would be brave enough to mention we've passed the regressive taxation point a few years ago.
Our biggest environmental threat to Canada and the world is the health of the Oceans, particularly the Pacific. Trudeau is doing absolutely the right thing by not bringing a made in Canada for Canada plan to the table. Better to do nothing than believe we can tax the food into the mouths of the 3 billion people relying on the oceans for protein.
No global plan, no oceans, no need for a Canada plan, mother natures chain(saw) of evolution.
Stanford U study; cost to electrify the US by 2050, $100 trillion. Extrapolating to developed nations, $500 trillion with another $500 trillion for developing and undeveloped.
It all sounds kind of wild, hundreds of trillions to go carbon free when developed nations are in the worst fiscal shape since deficit spending (debt) replaced income. The hope solar, wind and electric cars replacing gas can't compete with the world industrialization. The increased costs to consumers and life cycle battery costs and availability, even subsidized by tax payers, is proving to be poor investments.
A carbon tax of the current suggested $500 per family won't cover the paper work needed to solve climate change, or even adapt to it. There is only one place for that much cash could come from, out of thin air, debt. Governments could universally commit to trillions of debt, Canada would be $10 trillion plus 75% of undeveloped costs. That's what it will take to create a carbon free economy by 2100 as promised by the G-7, a dollar too much and a day too late.
Private investment can makeover the global transportation system to a 0 GHG mag lev for passenger vehicles that transfers rather than increases the costs to consumers, creating generational work in a generation.
The future of hydrogen and mag lev transportation might sound like beam me up but compared to the only other workable option, $100's of trillion of debt?
I've compared what might be considered as a wild idea next generation transportation system to the current plan and costs of a carbon free economy by 2100. There is nothing wild about our ability to remove 40% of pollutants caused by transportation, or the need.
As I noted on Global FB last week the fuse on the global debt bomb has burned down.
ReplyDeleteAccording to all the business anchors the slow down in China gets the blame for the collapse of oil prices. You can follow the conversation around in circles but there are only a few facts that need consideration. The trillions in stimulus the US dumped into the economy didn't create the inflation Obama promised in 2009 that would pull the US out of debt.
Inflation centered on speculation drove commodity prices well beyond limits global economies ability to function. Now that demand, excluding speculation, is resetting the global economy we are left with massive debt and the record wealth gap.
The Paris talks amounted to an agreement that won't limit global warming to 2 degrees (1 is bad enough)and that spells bigger problems for commodities than the exploding debt bomb.
Coupled with debt fossil fuels are in a social decline over climate change even though still today fossil fuel production still out weighs demand. In the next few decades global warming will have an even larger impact of oil prices.
A global transportation makeover to a mag lev for passenger cars is our future but as we are drowning in debt and crude it will be our children's project to start and the pressure will come from global warming.
The hydrogen highway we can have today.
Posted reply to Worldwide Exchange FB post Feb 9th.
ReplyDeleteUS Fed rate hike?
As noted months ago and noted in my blog when gas prices dropped, the saving won't go to spending, it will go to paying down debt and highly unlikely consumers will submerge themselves again.
The personal savings rate is very misleading. It includes corporate cash which is in abundance, and does not express consumer savings. In fact it's more likely consumers are not savings at all but paying down debt and still going deeper.
No choice, 25 basis points to keep a higher dollar supporting consumer spending power.
Mar 25th
Henry Ford raised wages making sure everyone of his employees could afford a car increasing demand through visual advertising.
The increased demand soon lead to increased wages which lead to increased sales.
Comparatively how is boosting exports on the backs of consumers any kind of a business plan.
If I hear we need the wealthy to create jobs one more time I think I'll puke.
Jobs are created by demand not by subtracting 3% + - from consumer spending power unless the plan is to follow everyone down into the debt pit rather than lead everyone out Here at home.
Posted nationally Mar 25
With another borrowed $30 billion in stimulus spending for Canada the results are predictable. The historical success rate of stimulus is 0 as none have ever produced growth. The most notable failure was the breakup of the USSR in the late 80s after stimulating eastern European countries.
As I like to say stimulus is buying stuff with borrowed money you wouldn't spend on when you had the cash.
Somewhere around 75% believe stimulus will create growth but only 36% are financially literate enough to understand the relationship between interest rates and inflation.
Another $30 billion to refuel the wealth gap lol I wonder how long before Canadians want their own Trump.
Posted to cnbc.
ReplyDeleteCurrency exchange influenced purchasing power. .
The overall 70% of the US economy is supported by the 50% of consumer spending done by the top 10%.
The lower 90% representing the other 50% in consumer spending, or 35% of the economy have recently lost 5% in spending power. Balance that out with increased asset values and the winner is no rate hike over any, in dollar terms or GDP. The loser in dollar value is the 90% of consumers on the other end of the widening wealth gap.
If the popularity of Trump and Sanders still has u stumped lol the u must be part of the 10% enjoying the Yellen party.
BTW I've been researching a global transportation makeover to a mag lev for cars for almost 2 decades. I have full confidence it is the stable long term investment required by the trns trillions sitting in cash accounts.It's just a matter of kicking it free.
ReplyDeleteBTW I've been researching a global transportation makeover to a mag lev for cars for almost 2 decades. I have full confidence it is the stable long term investment required by the trns trillions sitting in cash accounts.It's just a matter of kicking it free.