Saturday, August 4, 2018

Still on my feet.

From the corrupt family court using sole custody to fill government coffers to the national police force looking the other way.
In my first blog header I wrote "a system broken by corruption has never fixed itself.. ever".
"It was replaced".. referring to the nominated federal government system used by GWB in Afghanistan until the elected government took over.. and corruption become synonymous with it.
Myself and my children have lost a great deal in our lives because of corruption. The most damaging was done by a married rcmp officer who took my ex to a housewarming party.
Canada needs to clean up on corruption.. the rcmp corruption is not something Canada needs.. and it's a very good place to start.
Recently I was interview by a rcmp member.. I suggested the click cant ge turned back but $30 million would suffice. Obviously her eyes rolled back on that.. I set that rediculous price because whether justice was in the form of cash the focus was still corruption.. $30 mil would ensure getting shut leaving the only issue.. corruption. It simply wouldn't do to have a settlement clause on dropping involvement in political issues.. a non starter as corruption takes point.
As it turns out the dirt the Khadr family has on the federal government is only with $10.5 million so I really only had to go $10 mil to stick with the plan. Bring enough pressure to force government to disband the rcmp. The provinces are more than capable of having provincial forces. I often note married cops doing favors for mistresses. Looking the other way with the adscam evidence puts into question the top brass.. was it bad policing or were they in for a cut of the $40 mil. The Nuttal hoax that scammed a million in overtime was not bad policing leaning toward a payoff.
Along with the now defunct COOL program.. Buy American.. NAFTA and tariffs have little hope unless the feds make a show of good faith in dealing with corruption by disbanding the rcmp.

I spent some time observing a contractor doing some work for a city.
Not knowing the details it was probably a bid contract. I'm familiar with the process as I constructed a winning bid for a local contractor I had worked for previously.
That got me thinking about the 30 years of sweat I put in to build a career. From a mining family and worked in the mines as a teenager blowing shit up was a gas.. man.
I started in construction in 1975 with EAC as a drillers helper on the Sayward highway.. that didnt last long as drilling was the challange that occupied my inner self.. I secured the next open spot on a drill. From it's a gas to blow shit up to major shots was the ultimate challenge that really made the job for me.
After a few years and learning I soon had a gas powered hand drill I used to contract with. I drilled a lid blasted a large boulder that was 2 meters from his house. I set up a video and lit the fuse. As we waited he asked so you video ever blast.. I replied.. no this was my first and he took it to mean my first blast.. rofl.. the shot went off before he could have a heart attack..  lol it went perfect.
I.moved up to nightshift drill foreman with Goodbrand on section 1 of the Coquihalla.  Ledcor came next.. in charge of drilling and blasting for phase 2 and 3. With the successes I had gained the reputation to hire on with the home company that gave me the start in construction on the Sayward highway.. EAC. Port Mellen and the Port of Prince Rupert expansion moved me to the top of the rehire list.

I've said before.. I have never been in arrears in child support. The courts held the money and as per the court order it was turned over to Baker which she admitted she had received to the American collection agency for specifically collecting child support arrears.. mostly the funds that would flow to government coffers.. not the children it was paid for.
Family Maintence Enforcement Program or FMEP.. sounds like a government program but it's just a private collection agency protected by government intervention other collection agencies dont have.
Like any collection agency rules take a back seat to collections.
I'm my case it was falsely reported by baker she had received no money but later admitted she had. Even thought they knew she had received the funds they continued to take steps to collect on the lies.. collections have priority to intentionally commit fraud by collecting on a known lie.
FMEP recently had its budget cut by 2 million.
A standard collection agency profit comes from a portion of the  total collected.
With a budget they get paid for each collection regardless of anything was actually collected.
The many horror stories you hear about FMEP are true.. they dont want you to be able to pay.. if you do they lose the bounty they receive. It isn't hard to make it too difficult for a person to be able to pay.. poison pen letters are very effective.
Stigma of divorce fathers.
Interesting the government proclaims child support is for the children.. scoops it and blames the record child poverty on dead beat dads when it's the dead beat government scooping the child support.
The idea the dad did something wrong is always front and center.
In my case she quit a very good job to go on welfare for a legal aid lawyer. That put me in the 100% smoke custody category. The courts were influenced by feeding government coffers and even though she beat the kids to the ground when they asked to see me it still went sole custody and child support to the government.. and a fee to FMEP to keep me on their rolls. At the time I really believed the courts would straighten out the situation.. it was predetermined screw the best interests of the child... rampant corruption.
The first step they took was to send a letter out to every employer I had with a threatening tone of they hired me. I have one given to me by a company that said you're moved to the top of the no rehire list. 30 years of sweat to get to the top of the rehire list on a career I did for the shear enjoyment of it and they killed it on a known lie just to serve themselves.
That is how evil FMEP is.. just a collection agency bent on collections at any cost and protected by government. They not only took away my right to work.. they wanted 50% before taxes of what limited low paying jobs I might get. Figure it out..  even $20 an hr would pay 25% in tax. FMEP Cole ts 10 bucks.. taxes pull 5 bucks leaving with me 5 to not only survive but the extra costs of working. That's below minimum wage so it would appear the poison pen program is standard whether it removes any possiblity of getting a job but affording one. No one is that stupid to kill the golden goose so it's just the evil they brew there. I told them 20 years ago they will never put me on my knees.. 20 years of poverty and I'm still standing.. still crusading for the children of divorce.
The province needs to kick FMEP to the curb.. no transfers..  fire the lot of them.. because just ending child support clawbacks is only a start. The courts have had more than enough time to follow the previous federal liberal government justice committee instructions..  abide by the 1998 report
For the sake of the children.
There better be some results soon but immediately FMEP must go.

The carrot and the stick.
No justice, No investment

For what it's worth my blogs are more detailed.. plenty to change yet but with this summary I feel I've had my say.. anything more would just be more of the same.. different pile. Not worth the focus of the time to note it.
I'm just not paying attention lol.. I've had my say.. I like it.. might be it sucks to be you.
With not concrete plans for the future more trips up the west coast in a MH is on the list.. only more focused.. out of cell range. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

twenty years and family court still ignores the best interests of the child

The very idea that twenty years later there would not even be the slightest hint of presumed joint physical custody was inconceivable to people familiar with the best interests of the child, both parents.
The supporters of sole custody were even down to feeble excuses 15 years ago. They said they had no problem with joint custody as long as the parents got along. As soon as I said, "if we got along we'd probably still be together". When the excuses ran out they just went silent, ignoring the whole issue that mobilized so many people pointing out the courts needed to follow their mandate and rule in the best interests of the child. The government refused to entertain such a notion as they used sole custody to increase child support claw back, $15 million a month in BC alone.
We certainly made enough noise and several MP,s took notice and conveyed how many children the court was failing with. Any noise that made it to Ottawa  was successfully countered with... lol you guessed it, parents need to get along for joint custody to work. That of course it a total lie. There are a great many parents that share their kids and do not get along, some picking up and dropping off the kids at a neutral location... but as ridiculous an argument as that is against the courts failing hundreds of thousands of children.. it was successful in ending any speculation of a position change by the courts.
Taking that one step further how is it that every level of government has not problem with what many consider criminal. Obviously they are bullet proof because the checks and balances are handled politically, anything that would make them look like criminals is handled by the RCMP, the only non political check.
The last Liberal government burglarized the national treasury to the tune of $40 million for election purposes. The PM created an inquiry bench by Justice Gomery who entertained us all by allowing the former PM show the court his balls, literally, boxes of golf balls. Meanwhile the three years election Canada needed to destroy who was elected on the dirty money had elapsed and the evidence was destroyed, with full knowledge by the RCMP, they just looked the other way. The orders to look the other way must have come from the top brass and there is only one thing that would motivate them, a lot of cash. The $40 million went somewhere but it was enough for me to conclude the reason the governments are bullet proof, they are protected by the RCMP. The only way government will be threatened with consequences enough to force the courts to follow their mandate through instructions from the attorney general is to remove their armor, the RCMP.
While presume joint physical custody is still my priority it won't happen till the RCMP is disbanded leaving the government open to consequences that will be strong enough to force change.
Disbanding the RCMP is the gesture that will convince me he is serious about the rampant corruption, I'll take it as a show of good faith.
Growing since 2002
no justice, no investment

Monday, January 8, 2018

One last straw to grasp

The purpose of the investment boycott is to choke corruption out of the system by denying the oxygen of the corrupt, cash. The how to details are in previous posts.
The first thing I considered was how the system uses delay, denial, and distraction until the opponents simply give up. Even though I knew the drill it worked on me, what could I do again a corrupt justice system that had no intention of upholding the law. They were well aware I had mustered the forces of the international community to back the investment boycott. Their big mistake was thinking they only had to defeat me, I believe they thought once I was defeated the international community and the investment boycott would follow.
The international community doesn't work that way, why would they feel defeated when all they did was withhold investment. Just because I had to give up any chance of justice was in no way any reason they should not carry on with the investment boycott, which had seriously affected everything but raw resources and currency speculation since 2006.
They must be seeing the bigger picture now that even the only stronghold, Alberta, has seen billions pulled out of raw resources. A lot has to do with the global oil glut but it is also worth noting that any replacement investment is by Canadian companies, which have never been part of the boycott. Perhaps those companies think by holding the assets the international community will return when the outlook for energy improves. They will be sadly disappointed. Even if it picks up the offshore parts boycott is the signal to keep avoiding investment rather than getting caught up in a failing system.
The corrupt all now understand how using their delay tactics against them was enhanced by the arrogance of thinking all they had to do was defeat me. Instead the arrogance has dug a hole too deep to climb out of. They also understand with the auto parts boycott, by this summer corruption will be clawing at the sides as the hole they dug collapses.
The latest is sending MP Goodale to try and salvage any remnant of Nafta, they seem to forget the investigation into insider trading that involved Goodale and MP Brison that was brushed off by the RCMP. Well I guess some sort of a hail mary looks better to them that upholding the law but more it is just more arrogance in thinking it will go away if delayed long enough.
Yes they defeated me but in the process they have defeated themselves with the arrogance of thinking they could use the same corrupt delay tactics internationally to avoid any need to uphold the law.
The one last straw they can grasp as a show of good faith, disband the corrupt RCMP.
since 2000
no justice, no investment